Intergovernmental Working Group on Right to Development

The Working Group was established by the Commission on Human Rights, in its resolution 1998/72, and by the Economic and Social Council, in its decision E/DEC/1998/269, to:

  • monitor and review progress on promoting and implementing the right to development;
  • review information submitted by States, United Nations agencies, and other organisations on the relationship between their activities and the right to development;
  • present the Commission on Human Rights with a sessional report on its deliberations, including advice to OHCHR regarding the implementation of the right to development; and
  • suggest possible programmes of technical assistance at the request of interested countries with the aim of promoting the implementation of the right to development.

The mandate was most recently renewed in General Assembly resolution A/RES/74/152. Read more about the mandate.

Intergovernmental Working Group on Right to Development- official web site

YearSessionAgenda Item / Title / DocumentActivityPromotedCountry
201314General StatementJoint oral statementAPG23