
Maria Mercedes Rossi

Main Representative to the UN

I am the Main Representative of Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (APG23) to the United Nations since 2009 and the responsible of the APG23 international office in Geneva. I got a degree in Medicine and Surgery, a specialization in Infectious Diseases, a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (D.T.M.& H) and a Master in Public Health (MPH). I worked for 20 years in Zambia as a missionary doctor.

Valentina Di Paco

I graduated in law from the University of Pisa. After the degree, I have been engaged as a volunteer in different projects of Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (APG23) in Tanzania for many years. Since 2021, I am one of the representatives to the UN of APG23. I am involved in advocacy related to human rights, especially migration, human trafficking, the rights of indigenous peoples and the UN Treaty Bodies.

Domenico Convertino

I have been engaging for over 25 years in the nonprofit sector, especially dealing with development cooperation and international volunteering, with extensive field experience in Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latina America. As APG23 representative to the United Nations, I’m mainly involved in policy and advocacy processes related to human rights, sustainable development, international cooperation, economic justice.

Lucia Tonelotto

I hold a master’s degree in human rights and multilevel governance from the University of Padua (Padova). In the APG23 international office in Geneva my main duty is to keep in touch with the different APG23 missions all over the world, especially to collect and process information and testimonies from the ground and to elaborate reports for the UN treaty bodies.