Information to be provided pursuant to art. 13, European Regulation 679/2016 (so-called "GDPR")
Personal data will be processed, mainly electronically and with analysis tools, including statistical ones, by the ”Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII” Association – data controller – Via Mameli 1 – 47900 (RN) (hereinafter: “APG23”), for completion of all phases connected to the donation and instrumental activities (e.g.: communications on payments, donation summaries). Furthermore, they will be processed to comply with administrative and other mandatory rules by virtue of the law in force in our country or by virtue of EU decisions and kept for the time imposed by these disciplines. The data will be processed for the purpose of promotional, informational and institutional contacts on our projects, fundraising activities and initiatives, surveys and research reserved for donors and other subjects who have expressed interest in APG23 actions (e.g.: members of our initiatives), on the basis of "legitimate interest" (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f, GDPR and recital C47, GDPR) of APG23 in maintaining the relationship voluntarily established by the person active and informing the same about their activity and, in particular, on what they are the projects that could be financed with the contribution of the donor or on the awareness actions that APG23 deems useful to make known in order to demonstrate its constant commitment to carrying out its mission. The data will be stored in our archives for the period necessary to maintain the relationship established with the interested party constant and informing him of the above, allowing APG23 to legitimately continue its institutional activity as long as the person is believed to be interested in our mission . This retention period may be reduced if the interested party is no longer interested in receiving proposals and information from APG23, communicating it in the manner explained below and APG23 will adopt the appropriate technical and organizational measures to stop contacting the person. Subsequently, the data will be anonymized for statistical purposes and then destroyed, unless otherwise ordered by supervisory authorities, law enforcement agencies and the judiciary. If desired, the data will be processed for contacts for the purposes indicated above and carried out in a personalized manner based on the characteristics of behavior (e.g.: amount donated, donation frequency, area of residence, action to which one has subscribed), interests and preferences with respect to our actions (“profiling”). This will involve selecting the information stored about the person, so that he/she receives communications of interest to you and in line with your preferences. The data will be kept as long as your profile is in line with the personalized communications created through the crossing of the information at our disposal and, therefore, as long as APG23 continues its mission with projects, initiatives, actions and activities that require financial contributions or that spur awareness that they are of interest to the person because they reflect the characteristics and behaviors of the same and are, therefore, of his/her specific interest and not a nuisance. Storage will cease to exist if the interested party expresses opposition at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him carried out for profiling to the extent that it is connected to direct marketing. All the aforementioned activities can be performed through traditional and electronic communication tools.
The data processors are: Asset srl – Via Caroncini 4 – 00197 Rome (RM) and DIENNEA srl – Viale G.Marconi 30/14 – 48018 Faenza (RA). Persons authorized to process data for the aforementioned purposes are those in charge of managing relationships with actual and potential donors, administration, organization of awareness campaigns and institutional and statutory activities, call centres, Web services, systems information and data security. The data will also be processed by other external managers in charge of services connected to the above, as well as by third parties, independent data controllers, for purposes instrumental to the management of donations or administrative activities, and, for anything not indicated here, required to make the information to be provided pursuant to art. 13, GDPR. The authorized persons are those in charge of processing institutional activities, donor administration and management, the organization of projects and initiatives, events and fundraising, the call centre, information systems and data security.
Pursuant to articles 15-22, GDPR, by writing to the owner at the aforementioned postal address or at the e-mail, you can exercise the rights of consultation, modification, cancellation and oblivion, limitation of data processing or oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons or for purposes in training, institutional and promotional, even limited to one or more contact tools (e.g.: by e-mail and/or post and/or telephone and/or SMS). If it is not specified, the opposition to the processing of data for information and promotional purposes will be understood as extended to all contact tools. In the event of withdrawal of the consent given, which can be presented at any time, it is understood that this does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent previously expressed or on alternative mechanisms to the consent permitted by law. You can request the complete and updated list of data controllers and third parties to whom the data may be communicated. Finally, you have the right to request a list of managers and data portability, i.e. to receive your data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by common electronic devices, to transmit them directly to another subject, independent data controller, so that it can process them within the limits set by the data subject. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority to assert your rights. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at for information on data processing.